Minimum Viable Product is based on the Lean Startup Methodology. Build the minimum amount of required features and acquire early adopter.
Development of MVPs follows a simple pattern build-measure-learn. It means building a product based on foundations:
Lean development
Working smarter, spending less, and discovering more
Validate learning
Collecting information about customers behaviour, determining how the customer`s experience has been affected, avoiding overhead, verifing the idea, and using the knowledge received as a basis for building fully functional product
Early launch
The most important point in MVP: launching early, launching simple, and testing thoroughly
Become a Winner
- Reduce time-to-market with our fast & agile development process - in just 4-6 weeks
- Start testing with end users functional version of your product with all core features ready
- Decide on further improvement based on customer responses
Minimize a risk
- Do you want to risk that your competitors develop your idea firstly?
- Do you have a time for finding frelancer / in-house developers with high competencies?
- Do you want to take a risk of losing money on building poor application?